Stormcast Hero’s

Hello all! Welcome to a new update on my blog.

So these past 2 weeks were supposed to be used for get some lingering stuff done. Well I did some of that stuff. But something sneaked in as well!.

First a little recap from last post.. what was on the program. On my Stormcast I wanted to finish up the Knight-Vexillor and 2 Retributors. Along with spraying more models.
The spraying was also up for my T’au models. Refit the magnets on my Crisis Suits and finish some other Magnet projects. If time would permit also a little work to be done on the Crisis suits.

Well find out here what got accomplished!

Continue reading Stormcast Hero’s

Progress on building / On the paint table

So these last weeks have been busy where possible. As possible as can be during Christmas and New Years and having the kids stay up late and stuff.

I had a great holiday none the less, but it is time to start picking up my hobby in a bit faster pace again. So trying to stay away from gaming more. (looking at you Lego Dimensions!)
So let’s see what I did:

Continue reading Progress on building / On the paint table