StealthKnightSteg a tabletop wargamer and alround hobbyist.

Hello all!

I’m a wargamer by hart, but also somewhat of a collector of miniatures pre-dominantly from Games-Workshop. Not that I’m a fanboy of Games-Workshop, I just like to keep to one kind of manufacture and this happened to be the one I choose back in 1999 when I started my venture in Tabletop wargaming with Warhammer Fantasy Battles.

Starting an Empire army back in the day. I have been working on them off and on since that time.

I also started a little venture in to Lizardmen getting around 1000 points (8th edition value) starting with some models I still had around from the 5th edition starter set, but didn’t really get on with it.

With the launch of Age of Sigmar I saw an opportunity to really get back in the hobby and got the Starter set on launch. Since then I have been working a lot on my Stormcast mostly but also picked up momentum for the Khorne Bloodbound (in the starter) but also the Lizardmen (now called Seraphon) to give them a new live on the table with a warband for Mordheim!

Now about The Empire.. At the start of AoS it was not known yet what exactly will become of the Free People in the Age of Sigmar setting and therefor they are somewhat shelved for the moment. Till I know what will be still around (model-wise) so I can focus my painting on those first and everything else will become backlog to at a certain point.

And with the launch of 8th Edition Warhammer 40k I finally took the dive into this setting and started a T’au Empire army. Which at the moment got most of my focus as I enjoy the game play a bit better then AoS.

As of 2019 AoS got a in a bit of a low for me playing rarely as I just couldn’t keep up with the Stormcast releases and felt that my current model range isn’t really that competitive anymore. Though the new Battletome Cities of Sigmar rekindled a little bit of the interest, I first have to see if I can build a nice list for them to focus on. Though the lore for Hallowheart already took my interest to hopefully gain some momentum.

2019 was also the year I introduced my daughter to her “own” first army in Warhammer 40k and I have been enjoying building and painting with her and even playing a little bit as well. She really likes the Salamanders and with the recent Codex Supplement I think this will be a strong army as well! Now I hope the Netherlands will be soon up for the Conquest magazine as it would be ideal to really get her army into the Primaris range.

So my current focus for 2020: T’au (40k); Salamanders (40k with my daughter) and Cities of Sigmar?

Most people can find me on , , and as StealthKnightSteg.


The modeler/painter part of me:
I’m not in anyway artistic with sculpting and adding to a model this way, but I do not shy from adding some bits here and there that I have lingering around nor swapping bits out for others. Because of this most of the units you will get to see from me are pretty standard build.
As for the painting part… I’m a perfectionist and even with the rank and file units I kinda get carried away, hence why I didn’t have much painted yet for back in the day.

The collector part of me:
Foremost I think of myself as a collector, but due to a tight budget I am not able to get most stuff together as fast as I would like too. On the blogs of those forums I made lists of my models so people can follow my progress. After a while I moved those lists, to be kept in one place, here on my blog (just look around through the menu on the left).

The gamer part of me:
Back in 1999 when I started this hobby I played pretty often with/against friends (Chaos, High Elves) and later I even joined the local gaming club and participated in a small tournament as well (winning from a squickhopper/snotling pump wagon army). But the gaming group fell apart, the local club requiring 80% painted armies and other things in life made me stop the hobby for a while.
Picked up gaming again in 2010 when I met my newly acquired brother-in-law who played Skaven. Had some stuff going on in my personal life again so stopped the hobby again for 6-9 months. Since the start of 2011 I’m back in the game versus Skaven with 8th edition rule set and looking forward to start playing games on and off, maybe even at the local gaming shop (same founder as the gaming club back in 1999).
Sometimes I also went to the “local” Games Workshop store in a town that is about a 45 minute drive for me. But only being able to do so on saturday’s and those are stuffed now with sports of the kids and other plans it’s rather difficult to plan any trips these days.
In the mean time the local gaming shop doesn’t have any gaming space anymore, but we have now 2 dedicated clubs in my hometown of which 1 I try to play games at on Tuesday evenings.
I also visit the Eurobashes organized by the Empire to have a blast at gaming. Where I have become a regular attendee now! And is about the only place I do play something else then Warhammer namely Frostgrave. As that would be at the moment the only real miniatures game I want to venture into besides AoS and 40k.

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